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Ant Na Siftee + Other Strategies to Master the Mind and Maneuver the Cosmos

24th Pauri of Japji - we chant this sound code around solstices, equinoxes, and other major celestial events as it gives command over the planets, moon, sun, and stars.

  • This sound current gives you an enhanced ability to maneuver through anything as it cleans out the lower frequencies, infuses the environments, and thought streams with a higher frequency.

  • It overrides the negative patterns in the stars that would otherwise affect you in a weakening way.

  • It’s the pauri of INFINITY.

  • It breaks & transforms generational, incarnational, karmic, & familial entanglements and patterns.

  • It cuts through all blocks, limitations, neurosis, deep limiting beliefs & thoughts with the force of a thunderbolt.


During this profound class experience:

  • Practice Kundalini Yoga + Meditation

  • Review and discuss the power of 24th Pauri of Japji/Ant Na Siftee

  • Learn MIND MAGIC strategies to keep your mental state in check and aligned to your highest desired reality

  • Review and practice ways to increase your MENTAL MAGNETISM + POWER

  • Learn tools to strengthen your protective shield so that anything that doesn’t serve you in a positive way cannot penetrate or enter your mental or physical sphere 


  • Laugh and have fun obviously 😉

MANTRA: The Mantras held in the Kundalini treasure chest are MASTER KEYS + MASTER CODES to access alchemical powers, unlock the deepest wisdom and knowledge of the universe, grow and evolve spiritually, clean and reprogram the subconscious mind, heal ourselves, transcend limitations, uplift and elevate our life experience, create beauty for all that enter our sphere, and ultimately effect massive positive shifts for the entire collective (mind) consciousness. 

"The ALL is Mind, the Universe is Mental"

EQUINOX PREP: You can quantum leap at any moment. You can activate unknown powers within you every single day. You do not need a "portal day" you do not need a specified planetary or numerological alignment and you do not need "the most powerful day of the year." The frequency held within these heightened energetic days can be accessed whenever you want, as all of this magic lies within you already.

AND ALSO - days like new moons, full moons, special planetary alignments + numerological dates, equinoxes and solstices hold within them mysteries, treasures, and sacred energies that if you choose to align with, can propel your life in the most positive upward heightened ways. Any positive practices on these days give you an immense ROI.

Equinoxes and Solstices mark the beginnings of each new season, each quarter of the year. They are great set points for reviewing where you are and where you want to go. They are powerful cosmic opportunities to go within and set new ideal realities into motion, move towards goals and desires, transform and progress, and accelerate your life.

Utilizing and tapping into "power days" puts wind in the sails, gives you high frequency divine cosmic support and velocity for life and path of destiny (whatever that means to you).

In the window leading up to these days there are things you can do to set yourself up for colossal miracles.

JOIN ME for this very special MIND MAGIC MANTRA MASTERY experience!

*Includes Replay, Practice Resources, and 2 Bonus Videos

Command Your Mind, Command The Cosmos!


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