I Created & Released a Kundalini Mantra Dance Album
I am SO BEYOND excited to share this (Kundalini) MANTRA ALBUM news and experience with you!
Officially released into the world yesterday at 7pm est.
A little backstory: I've always LOVED music on a deep and cellular level - I would get lost in it, replay songs and albums over and over since I was very young. This turned into making mix tapes and CDs for myself and for friends well into adulthood - the curation of it, creating an experience (even volumes and series!) has just been a huge part of my life. Since the 90s (and techno rave days) I wanted to create my own music.
Cut to finding Kundalini Yoga in 2013 and then my teacher Guru Jagat in 2016...The MANTRA TECHNOLOGY hit me like something DEEP!!! In 2017 I knew I wanted to create a different kind of mantra music but it never occurred to me to make it myself. It was always that I had to find the right person to produce and create the music elements - to help me execute my vision. To near present day I really thought that was going to be the way...yet I never could find the "right" person - and I am close with countless DJs and friends that create and produce music!
I've wanted to learn to make my own music for years but it always seemed like I had to do so many things first in order to get there - buy the equipment, get trusted friends to teach me, etc etc etc...It all felt so far away...until a moment on Guru Jagat's birthday last month;
she YELLED at me from beyond to "just f**ing do it already!" 🤣
So on that special FULL MOON Pisces shared with her birthday 8/30 I just opened up Garageband on my laptop (the tool that I already had at my fingertips) - I didn't watch tutorials or read instructions or get outside help or guidance, I didn't purchase additional resources or sounds, I just began to play around and create.
AND HERE WE ARE! In a deep sacred portal of that Full Moon to this New Moon in Virgo that just occurred on 9/14, something just ran through me, and I let it.
Like all the times in my life that I stayed up late and listened to the same songs over and over laying on my bed, dancing in my room, feeling the sounds in my cells....I was experiencing that again. It's the thing that gives me the most life. And truthfully over the past few years of a lot of deep loss, grief, and change, I haven't really felt alive at all (healing and knowing it was temporary, yes, but I've been a ghost of myself) - and this process has brought me back to myself in a way I can't truly describe.
As I've longed for the old school way to experience a new album; that's what I've created. A beginning to end journey along with a digital visual booklet (an ode to the unfolding of the tape insert and CD booklet!).
The vibe is DANCE + RECITATION. It's for JOY and FUN. It's for HEALING and CELEBRATION.
Since 2020 I've been creating and teaching "Commander of the Beat: Mantra Mastery" experiences(also something I sat on for years before executing) because of my deep connection and pull to these sound codes; this feels like such a natural evolution…
My prayer is that this inspires you to just create something you love and that brings you enjoyment in any capacity. It doesn't matter how little experience or knowledge you may think you have or don't have - you may absolutely surprise yourself!
This is truly what THE MANTRA DOES. We talk about how it gives you powers and siddhis and unlocks gifts and experiences that are inherently already within you - and it is my honor to share what has unlocked within me.
A special thank you to YOU for being a part of this journey with me, whether as a client, student, friend, and/or you're riding on this path with me - it's because of you, the incredible love and support throughout this process, and truly these technologies that I even have the courage to share something like this with the public....
Even if the Kundalini Mantra isn't your jam…I welcome and encourage you to check out the experience!
I am so deeply grateful and this is just the beginning!
Love + Sat Nam
And if you want to know a bit more about the story and intention behind and within this creation - I did a little IG Live last night leading up to the official release 💖 WATCH HERE