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Ang Sang Wahe Guru - Music Release!

A mantra to help lift us out of mental lethargy or depression

Chant, “Ang Sang Wahe Guru.” When self hatred, negativity and self shadow come, use the affirmative thought, “I know the unknown is known to me.” Negative thought can be cut with the positive thought.

This sound code VIBRATES YOU back into your true self. If you are feeling negative, fearful, in doubt - take a deep inhale and on the exhale chant "Ang Sang Wahe Guru" 5x. You can do this one round or do 5 rounds for a total of 25 recitations - you will feel renewed and clear!

"ang sang wahe guru

take the wahe guru into every cell, every molecule, every distant place in my memory…every far away place in the future

i hear

i feel

i project the sound

of wahe guru

someone long long ago, thousands of years ago, that was their prayer, you’re the answer to that prayer. you’re now carrying that sound, carrying it into the future….like when someone brought it to you, you need to bring it to someone"




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